L'organigramme Luc magloire MBARGA ATANGANA Ministry of Trade Brusil Miranda METOU Secretary General Magellan OMBALLA Inspector General BOUBA AOUSSINE Technical Advisor N°1 Jean Claude ESSONO Technical Advisor N°2 MOUSSA SANWARD Inspector N° 1 Evelyne MATJE Inspector N°2 ZANGA DJINANG Nicanor Director of General Affairs MUTOMBY Joseph NDUMBE Director of Foreign Trade NDAH née NJI NKEMBOH Mirabel Director of Internal Trade Fredy NOAH AVA Director of Metrology, Quality and Prices TEMFEMO née NWERAFOUO ADIJA Head of Division of the Studies, Projects and Statistics Basile NOUGA MAHOP Head of Division of the Legal Affairs ELEMVA AMANA Barbara Head of the National fraud Control and Repression Brigade