In its permanent concern to ensure the protection of consumers, the National Brigade for the control and repression of fraud of the Ministry of Commerce, is starting in the next few days, a muscular sanitation operation in order to eradicate the "bulk" on our markets.
"It takes strong action with retailers to eradicate the sale of "bulk".This is what Emmanuel Nkoulou Ada, the president of the committee for the regulation of the crude palm oil sector, proposed after the recent mission to assess the capacities of companies in the oilseed sector conducted in the crude palm oil production basins. The Tour, which ended in Yaoundé on the 23rd, took place from 12 to 17 October in the coastal and western regions from 12 to 17 October. It follows that after four years of administrative tolerance, a mission of repression of the National Brigade of the Mincommerce begins in the next few days a cleaning operation on the ground and in the processing units. Refiners and processors are now forced to pack only in traceable bottles and label marketed products.
It is true that several difficulties hinder the smooth running of the activities of the sector: the shortage of crude palm oil, the problem of non-refund of VAT credits despite the instructions of the minister of finance, the non-application by the Republic of Congo of ECCAS approvals, the approximate quality of crude palm oil imported from Gabon, the sales caused by the coronavirus pandemic. According to the Secretary General of the Association of oilseed refiners-ASROC " the problem of supplies since last month affects the industries of ASROC. We can't run the units anymore, there's no point starting the unit if we're not sure we're going to run for at least five hours. The oil that arrives from Gabon does not have the necessary quality, partitioning imports to this country now poses a quality problem ".
Cameroon is therefore forced to continue imports to supply markets .Despite the fact that they create the deficit of the trade balance and the outflow of currencies. According to committee Consultant David Tsegui, the solution is to revive production. Another problem is the impact of covid - 19.the non-opening of borders according to Tajoudini Mama technical director of the SCMR MAYA in Douala forces them to start an online factory in order to be in contact with suppliers. "Les importations arrivent entre le 20 et le 25 octobre, ça fait deux mois Qu'on paie les salaires alors qu'on ne travail pas, C'est une grosse perte, il faut revoir les quotas" a plaidé Rachel Edith Fotso le DG de la SCS / RAFCA à Bafoussam .To remedy the quality problem, it is advisable to purchase the NC-77 standard that requires vitamin A enrichment .Or to join the agro-food Technical Center-CTA - in order to benefit from quality support.