The reflection was at the center of the consultation held this 04 November 2020 between Luc Magloire MBARGA Atangana, Minister of trade and the officials of the Interprofession Avicole du Cameroun (IPAVIC). It was in the conference room of his ministerial department.
It was a question for both parties to analyze the ways and Means Necessary to eliminate any risk of speculation in this sector during the holiday season. Discussions also focused on the need to find spaces dedicated to the sale of chicken in the city of Yaoundé during this holiday season.
Today's meeting was an opportunity for these actors in the poultry sector, to bring to the attention of the public authorities the difficulties encountered since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. These include :
- the scarcity of chicks due to the closure of air and land spaces, thus limiting the import of hatching eggs and parents to be used for the production of " day-old chicks »,
- the weakening of herders following the abrupt cessation of restoration activities during the confinement period.
Several spaces have thus been identified in the different arteries of the city of Yaoundé. The Minister of Commerce has instructed the officials of the technical services of his Administration, to engage with the competent authorities in order to obtain the necessary authorizations for the occupation of these spaces at the appropriate time