The observation was made during the raid carried out this December 19, 2020 by Luc Magloire MBARGA Atangana, Minister of Commerce, in the warehouses of the city of Yaoundé. This is a prelude to the end of the year 2020 and the beginning of the year 2021. During this tour, it was discussed not only to assess the state of supplies of basic necessities, but also to ensure that the prices charged are those resulting from consultations with the various players in the sectors.
At the end of these visits, it emerged that basic necessities were available in both quantity and quality, and prices remained stable despite the health crisis experienced throughout the year and the difficulties encountered in the supply process. We note on the market a strong introduction of rice of Chinese and Indian origin whose prices are within the reach of all consumers. The 10% Chinese rice costs 8500 CFA Francs for the 25 kg bag (KG) and 16500 F for the 50 KG bag while the 100% Indian rice is sold at 8000 F for the 25 KG bag. We can also find in the warehouse of ETS La MAMA SARL, Cameroonian rice from Ndop marketed at the price of 7000 F the bag of 25 KG as well as MAMA brand products such as pasta and sugar.
As for fish, this diversity is equally noticeable in the fishmongers visited and is reflected in the prices displayed. About twenty varieties of fish can be noted on the market, the prices of which go up to 600 F per kilogram. mackerel 25+ is sold at 1350 F and bar at 1200 F per KG. With regard to meat, stocks are available and prices remain unchanged: 2200 per kg of beef with bone and 2800 that without bone while pork costs 2100 F per kilogram.
As for chicken, an agreement has been concluded between the government, through the Ministry of Commerce, and the Interprofession Avicole du Cameroun (IPAVIC) so that all 7 communes of the city of Yaoundé are open special markets for the sale of chickens at a single price of 2500 F on the occasion of the end of the Year holidays. Luc Magloire MBARGA Atangana calls on consumers to strictly comply with barrier measures this holiday season as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to plague the world. It also recalls that the public utility number le 1502 remains open for all denunciations of illicit commercial practices of which they may be victims or witnesses.